Minimum Order Charges

These instructions are for Navigator File Management. For information on File Maintenance in the Green Screen (AS400), refer to Minimum Order Charges - FIL 26.

You can use this file to automatically charge customers a minimum order charge when a single order or a group of orders is less than a specified dollar amount. Minimum order charges are calculated during batch invoice processing only. These charges do not apply to point-of-sale invoices.

The advantages realized by using the Minimum Charges File are:

  • The ability to use the Minimum Order Charges file as an alternative to the Delivery Charges File for certain customers. In particular, the charges can be based on the size of the orders being delivered.
  • The ability to use the Minimum Order Charges file to assess Fuel Surcharges or Delivery Sur­charges when fuel charges are excessively high, or when customers do not meet certain mini­mum order sizes. In these cases, the customer is assigned their regular delivery charges using the Delivery Charges File, and the surcharges using the Minimum Order Charges file.
  • Tying minimum order charges into objectives for marketing to large versus small accounts.
  • Encourage customers into consolidating orders, lowering everyone's expense.